Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Campgirls

Ring Leader and Tightrope Walker have joined two friends down the block to make a camp next to their house. I'll try to post some pics soon. These 4 have divided the "chores" equally, work together to keep the camp neat(as neat as a dirt floor, open air camp can be), gather food(grasshoppers, leaves, dragonflies, mud and the occasional bee)and other general upkeep to to structure. They have built shelves and decorated it with varied flowering plants from our yards.
I love that they can play outside and create like this, but I also wonder, what's this chore stuff? Why do you have to wait until I tell your friends you can't play outside until you finish your chores to do them? And then rush out to do your 2nd set of the day? I have decided to take this as a compliment. We have taught them something about work and working together. I hope that's it.
It's great to have them come in for dinner dirty, tired, happy, hungry and eager to share their plans for "camp" tomorrow. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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